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Michelle Starr

Hi, I'm Michelle Starr..."The Empowerment Specialist" I inspire women to go within and make desired changes through Self Awareness and Posiive Thinking to take control of their life and constructing it into a life that is meaningful, genuine and authentic. Welcome!

Michelle Starr is the founder and chief visionary of Empowerment Evolution International, an organization dedicated to Empowerment Coaching and Mentoring. She has gained a thorough understanding of different personalities,  which helped her bring clarity and form to abstract notions of how positive thinking can work to achieve great results. She is a forward-thinking individual who believes that the power of the conscious mind builds strong communities and fosters personal growth. She is recognized as the Coach to call when you need inspiration from a Starr to illuminate your way.  You can checkout her website at:

Michelle Starr's Background

Michelle Starr's Experience

Chief Visionary ~ CEO at Empowerment Evolution International

Present | Washington, DC

Michelle Starr's Interests & Activities

I am a lover of learning, reading, bowling and traveling. Let me not forget being one with my creator (Daily Meditation).

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